You have come so far already!

November 20, 2024 00:22:23
You have come so far already!
Your Wish Fulfilled. Become Your Future Self Now.
You have come so far already!

Nov 20 2024 | 00:22:23


Show Notes

Celebrate the incredible journey you’ve been on. Every step, every challenge, and every breakthrough has brought you to this moment. You’ve already accomplished so much, and your dedication to growth and transformation shines brightly.

This is a beautiful reminder of how far you’ve come—and how much more is possible when you continue to trust in yourself and your path. You are on the brink of something truly extraordinary. Keep going!

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Welcome to your wish fulfilled. This is your wonderful place to experience more happiness and well being and to recognize how far you've come as you manifest the life that you love. [00:00:19] To begin, let's take a moment just to open your mind and heart. [00:00:27] Take a nice deep breath and let your whole body just gently relax as you breathe. Right now, taking a few beautiful breaths and melting into that wonderful feeling of peace. [00:01:01] I'd like you to open your mind to something you'd love to create and manifest in your life, something you'd like to change. [00:01:16] Imagine there is a doorway and as you walk towards the door, on the other side of the doorway is this new life, this change, this upgrade. [00:01:32] And in your own time, just walk through and walk into your new life, noticing what is different and how you feel in your new life. [00:01:55] Walking through and just opening your experience, moving into the future, just noticing the shift in your feelings, in your body, and then just bringing your attention back here, knowing that you have experienced a premonition that is waiting to unfold today. I wanted to support you in recognizing how far you've already come and learning from your past. [00:03:15] I just went into the garage. I have this detached garage that's sort of like a studio. I have art equipment and a sauna and books and record player. It's like a little, like a little mini house, a couch in there. And I have some old journals in there. [00:03:37] And what I noticed going through my old journals, I just like pulled one off the shelf and I was looking through what I was talking about two or three years ago. [00:03:48] And what I noticed is that on one hand I've come a long way, lots of things have changed. [00:03:56] And on the other hand, there are certain patterns that I can see now, looking back that were actually a problem. And it's actually difficult to notice what we're doing in the moment. [00:04:17] So whatever you're doing today, you probably think this is really important. I need to be doing. This is the best use of my time. So you know, this is like, this is the thing. [00:04:26] But then if you look back on what you're doing today, in two, three years or five years, 10 years, you'll be able to see are you really doing the best thing you can, really and truly, or are there certain patterns? So today's session is about learning from yourself, learning from yourself, your past self, learning from what you've been doing, what is working, what isn't working. Because the more introspective we are, the more we can look at ourselves as if we're looking at somebody Else the more we can experience transformation in our life. And transformation in our life and in ourselves leads to changes physically. [00:05:17] So I don't know if you have journals. If you don't, might be a good time to start creating a journal of some kind. I'm not like a writing pages and pages everyday kind of person. In fact, going through my journal, I have this thing called the miracle journal and the manifestation journal, your wish fulfilled. [00:05:36] Which is really just like a way of holding the vision for what I want, figuring out what to do. And there's a link in the description if you want to get that journal. [00:05:46] But I had a different journal in the past and it had more opportunity to write about what I was doing. [00:05:54] And what I noticed in myself in all humility is that I was all over the place. So I would write down, here's my intention, I want to do this, this and this. And then what I actually was doing every day, which is whatever I felt like it. One day it's this project, one day it's this project. I discovered some projects that I was working on then that I never finished. Lots of projects actually, they're still on my laptop now. [00:06:20] So one thing I learned that I can. That I've changed to a large degree is instead of just jumping around all over the place, I'm focused on the highest level things as much as I can and have the discipline to finish stuff. [00:06:36] This is like a big upgrade that has been quite difficult for me. [00:06:43] And looking at those journals really let me see this tendency and how kind of absurd it is actually in retrospect, laughing at myself. [00:06:53] So on one hand I've made a lot of progress, and on the other hand I could see these patterns and they're still there to some degree within myself and I need to really look at them. So what I'd like you to do, if you're open to this, is just to, if you have a moment to pause this audio and go and get your journal, if you have one, or just if you haven't got a journal, just think about this. What have you done in the last three or four years? [00:07:26] And just notice the breakthroughs that you've had, the changes that have happened, the things that you felt needed to change, and they have changed. [00:07:39] It's really important to recognize and congratulate ourselves for the success that we have. [00:07:48] There were certain relationship issues that I knew needed to change and they have changed since then. In my case, there are certain things that I just wasn't doing at all that I needed to be doing. And I'm doing them now. So there's a lot of upgrades actually on a number of levels. [00:08:08] So first and foremost is to recognize how far we've come and to really appreciate that. Because we feel better, we feel more joy, we feel more confident when we realize how far we've come. [00:08:30] So just tune into this. What has changed for the better in the last three years or so in your life? Could be your relationships, money, things that you're working on, your health, could be your mind is better, could be your diet is improved. [00:08:50] Maybe you just feel different internally. [00:08:59] Just give yourself that love and appreciation and if you want, you can even celebrate your success. You can go somewhere, do something you deserve to celebrate. Don't you think? You've done a lot of work and you've manifested things as well. Because sometimes, oh, why wouldn't it be great if I wanted this thing, one of this thing. And it all happens right. [00:09:40] When I think back, looking at those journals recently, I wanted to travel, I wanted to do different things, go different places, have. And I've done all this stuff, like I've done it again and again and again, like I'm in a totally different space, I'm in the same house, but the house has changed. I mean, all the stuff has changed. So many things have changed. [00:10:04] And I feel better than I ever have. So I'm really happy on a number of levels. So I'm like really faced myself and I'm, you know, there's a whole bunch more things to happen. [00:10:15] But I'm very, very proud of myself actually, the amount of stuff that I've done. So it's really important just to give yourself that love. Put your hand on your heart, tell yourself, thank you, you did great. It's really important to talk to yourself with love, as if you would like you're a coach talking to someone you, you're coaching someone you care about, you know, well done, good job, congratulations. You know, it's really useful to have that conversation, to give yourself that praise, that appreciation. [00:10:50] So take as long as you need to to appreciate your successes. [00:10:56] And the learning, the transformation, the shifts, the newness, you are a different person now than you used to be. [00:11:12] And then on the other hand, there's also learnings, which is very valuable lessons right now. We have to do this in the right way. We're not going to be beating ourselves up. Oh, why didn't I do this? Why didn't. No, no, no, that's not helpful. You can consider this to be valuable lessons. [00:11:34] Sometimes lessons cost money. You have to pay for lessons. Like if you go to college or you take courses, it might cost you thousands of dollars, hundreds or thousands or even hundreds of thousands to learn something. Sometimes life lessons require a lot of time. Sometimes there's like mixed blessings in the lessons. [00:11:57] So just think back in your own life, the last few years. [00:12:03] What have you learned about yourself, about life, about other people? [00:12:25] In my own case, I have learned that I've been quite impulsive and distractible and unable to finish things. [00:12:37] And that has been a big problem. So I've had to really look at that. [00:12:45] I've also not looked at some of the details in my life and business and. And kind of like I've outsourced too many things in my life over the last 10 years. I've had people working for me and outsourcing and so I haven't known about a bunch of different specific details around different things. [00:13:03] And that's come back to bite me, actually. But now, now that I am looking at this stuff, I feel much, much better and I have better grip of things. So that's just an example from being too all over the place, not paying enough attention to paying a lot of attention and getting the benefit of that. You know, these are transformations. This is just personal story. But what have you learned in your life? [00:13:35] What is new and different for you? [00:13:51] I think it's one of those super important things to figure out. [00:13:58] Because when you glean the benefits, when you think you know what, these are patterns that I've been dealing with. [00:14:08] Once you look at that and then you decide to do something about it, then your whole life can change for the better. Isn't that amazing? Right? It's like things go round and round and round and we don't know what's happening because it's happening in the moment and we're not looking at it properly. And then we get some space, you look back at it and you go, you know what if I can change this thing, this pattern, this way of doing things, whatever it is, then I can finally make this big leap and experience a totally new life. [00:14:49] So what would you say is the number one or two main transformations that you can make that would change everything for you? [00:15:29] And once you know that, even if it didn't come to your mind now, it will come. If you keep asking, what can I learn and what do I need to change? [00:15:39] That is the secret to your dream life. [00:15:48] I'll just give a personal experience again, what I need to do, what I have been doing is focus on the highest level things I need to do and get them finished. Like, don't get distracted with another project. [00:16:02] Just stick with it long enough, right? To be honest with you, I have a hard time with this because I'm like mad creator and I like to do different things. But just stick with it, stick with it. Don't get distracted, don't go away and run off and do all these different things. Stay with one thing and finish it. [00:16:19] Basically discipline, in my case, discipline to do what I need to do if I don't feel like it and just get it done is the massive breakthrough. And I've been working on this and I'm continuously working on it and it's making. I'm making a lot of progress. [00:16:35] That one change is a total game changer. [00:16:41] Now in your case, it probably something different, but once you know what it is, then you can start making that change. You can start giving that your attention, you can start moving that direction again and again. And each day you're getting stronger in this thing that you need to do and that leads you to the success you want. [00:17:15] So last thing is, once you know what that is, that number one thing or two things and last question is, what can you do every day just a little bit to move in that direction? [00:17:37] How can you make this actually happen? [00:17:42] So sometimes it might be getting an accountability partner or a coach. It might be filling in your journal in a certain way, reminding yourself. It could be putting writing down what this main thing is and sticking it all around the house, on your mirror, on the fridge, next to your bed. So you keep seeing these things because that shift in your behavior and your thinking or your consciousness is going to open the door to that new life that you want. [00:18:13] If we do the same thing over and over again, we're going to get the same results, aren't we? So it's these slightly difficult lessons. When we really gain the lesson, we benefit from the lesson and start implementing that lesson. [00:18:28] Then our whole life gets better. It doesn't mean it gets easier. It might get harder temporarily, but it leads to an easier life down the road. [00:18:39] I have a so much easier, better life now than I did in the past because I've been willing to do hard things. [00:18:47] This is such a great expression. Life is easy when you live it the hard way. [00:18:52] Life is hard when you live it the easy way. [00:18:56] Life is easy when you do the hard stuff that's going to change your life. [00:19:00] And life becomes very hard and disturbing when you just avoid this stuff and just do whatever you feel like. This is one of those Strange paradoxes. [00:19:11] But once we accept this and embrace this, our whole life gets better. And we manifest way more things and everything starts to come together. And all these blocks that we had start disappearing and all these wonderful new opportunities start coming into our life. [00:19:29] So this is how we experience the law of attraction. Manifestation. Absorbing the power one is the internal visual visualization, the feeling, the feeling that your wishes fulfilled and that feeling state leads to attracting new things. And it also leads to clearing out the blocks and doing the certain things that will move our life. [00:20:07] So I'm very excited for you. [00:20:10] Truth is simple. [00:20:14] Falsehood is ever complex. [00:20:18] It's very, very simple to experience transformation. Actually. We just have to learn the lessons. All the vision, do the hard stuff and then it gets easy. [00:20:29] But all this other complicated stuff and blah, blah, blah, getting distracted and whatever else is all very complicated. Realistically, you have the power right now to learn these lessons, make these changes and everything will get better. [00:20:45] And I want to also encourage you to give yourself that love, that encouragement, that blessing, that confidence as you move in the direction doing these slightly difficult things to really appreciate yourself. You know, not to say, oh, I didn't do it perfectly. Oh, I should have done this thing and I didn't. Don't talk to yourself like that. [00:21:11] Once you know what you need to do, just say, I need to focus on this thing. I'm going to focus on it. It's going to be all right. [00:21:18] Well done. Congratulations. Give yourself that love, that appreciation for those little things that you do again and again and again. Every time you do it, give yourself praise, Give yourself love. [00:21:33] So you've already come a really long way. You've already had a lot of successes, you've already learned a lot of lessons. Now, what are those key things or that one thing that if you do it consistently, your whole life is going to keep getting better and better and better. [00:21:51] Thank you for being here. Enjoy, enjoy. Sending you lots of love. Wishing you every success in doing whatever it is that is going to change your life. [00:22:04] One second, one thought at a time. [00:22:11] Take care.

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