How to PULL the future into the NOW?

November 23, 2024 00:23:34
How to PULL the future into the NOW?
Your Wish Fulfilled. Become Your Future Self Now.
How to PULL the future into the NOW?

Nov 23 2024 | 00:23:34


Show Notes

In this transformative episode titled "Pulling the Future into the Now: Mastering the Art of Immediate Manifestation," we explore dynamic strategies for manifesting your desired future directly into your present reality. Discover how to harness the power of visualization, intention, and action to accelerate the manifestation process, making what once seemed distant, immediately accessible.

We delve into:

This episode guides you through the process of collapsing time frames, encouraging a profound connection between your current actions and the future outcomes you're working toward. By anchoring your future dreams in the present moment, you set the stage for them to unfold with unprecedented speed and efficacy.

Join us as we unlock the secrets to pulling the future into the now, transforming the way you approach goals and ambitions.

For those seeking to deepen their manifestation skills and bring their visions to life swiftly, explore more resources and guidance at Enhance your daily practice and achieve rapid results with the tools and meditations available from Michael Mackintosh on Insight Timer.

This episode is your gateway to not just dreaming about the future but actively drawing it into your present, creating a vibrant tapestry of accomplishment and fulfillment right now.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] When you connect your vision, your future to your life today, then you're living an aligned life. You're living one whole life, a beautiful life that belongs to you instead of being broken up into different pieces and feeling disconnected. [00:00:21] So you have this beautiful future self. And that future self is sending energy backwards through time to you now. Which is why you have visions and you have ideas and you have goals. [00:00:34] And when you connect your current life now to your future life, you are connecting a cord from the future backwards through time into your life today. And you receive all that energy and it lights you up and it inspires you. And then you start living one whole aligned life. [00:00:56] Welcome to your wish fulfilled. Congratulations for being here. [00:01:03] Wonderful morning here in the desert in Sedona. Sun's just coming up and I wanted to first of all give you blessings and appreciation for your beautiful presence. Hope you're feeling great. [00:01:19] And let's start with holding your vision. Because every time you do hold the vision of what you want and imagine it's already happened and feel the good feelings, it feels good, doesn't it? Doesn't it feel wonderful just to feel fully contented, relaxed, the feeling of attainment. Because really that's what we're going for in life. We want to feel good. We really are feeling beings and feeling good is extremely important to us. [00:01:53] So let's take a moment now. Just hold the vision of that which you desire. [00:02:03] What is it that you'd love to create in your life, to be different in your life? [00:02:11] Just open your mind and your heart, your awareness to a new reality where things have changed, where you feel different, where situations may be different. [00:02:46] And just noticing what is new and different in your life and becoming aware of the feeling, the feeling, the energy of having attained what you want. [00:03:07] What is it that you feel when you have already achieved that which you desire? [00:03:18] Is it happiness? Contentment? Excitement? Relief? What is the feeling? [00:03:30] Just notice the feeling state and let that amplify. Imagine you have a dial. You can just turn it up and expand your heart, expand your feelings. Just be in the feeling of your wish fulfilled. [00:04:26] And I recommend that you tune into what is that feeling? Even if you just glimpse it. What is it? What is it that you actually want? [00:04:37] Do you want peace? Love? Bliss? Happiness? Freedom? What is it? [00:04:43] Because we want the thing. [00:04:45] We want to do the stuff, to get the thing or to have the experience so that we feel something. What is the feeling? [00:04:54] Because the more you know what that is, then you can re experience that again and again. [00:05:00] And that allows you to jump the Line. It's like this massive, long, winding line that goes on for years and years and years. You just jump to the front of the queue and just get what you want. [00:05:16] So it's a feeling state. When I was tuning into that personally just then, it's a feeling of excitement and power, actually, like impact. [00:05:30] It's like a live feeling. That's what came came up for me personally, just then. [00:05:36] So tune into the feeling. It's a very beautiful feeling, whatever it is. [00:05:41] And once we have held the vision of what we want, it's really important to align our life with that which we are becoming. [00:06:01] So today we're just going to be diving into a little bit about are we living one life or two lives or multiple lives? [00:06:09] Are we being pulled in various directions? [00:06:21] Because many people feel like they have their authentic self, their authentic life. Then they got their current life, which seems to be way off track and not related to or not connected to their authentic self. You know, I was talking to one of my students in one of our programs who wants to be a spiritual coach, meditation teacher and all these things, right? [00:06:53] And I helped her come up with a way to start doing that right now. [00:07:00] And basically her resistance, right, which is very common, is essentially, it's a fear of change, that in order for her to live her authentic life, which she can, she could do it right now, she could do it every day, but it would require certain uncomfortable conversations with people, expectations of others. You know, she's not doing anything bad. She'd just be doing some, like, healing sessions or going on trips and spending time in nature. She just wants to do stuff that she loves. [00:07:40] But the people around her, even though she has loads of money and everything's fine, they sort of expect her to just be constantly working, working, working, working, working. And what is the point of all the money? [00:07:52] Why? Why do we work? Why do people have all these massive reserves of cash and stocks and whatever else? What. What's it for? Oh, for security. O why don't you enjoy your life? [00:08:05] Why don't you just enjoy your life, right? You might not even be able to use any of it. Who knows what's going to happen next? We, of course, have to have concern for the future and not just be reckless, but at the same time, it's reckless to just work all the time and never stop and enjoy anything. That's extremely reckless. [00:08:26] So one of the key things we need to do if we want to be truly satisfied is to connect our vision with our life. That's when we feel alive. [00:08:39] So for example, I'm working on various projects to help more people for meditation and all these different things. [00:08:47] So I know what I want, I know what that's going to do for me and other people in my life. [00:08:53] And then so I write this down, highly, highly, highly recommend you get the miracle journal or the your wish fulfilled journal, or just do it in your own journal to write down what you want and then feel it so that you are very aware of what your life path is leading you to and you're pulling that feeling back into your life now. [00:09:19] And then on another piece of paper or opposite side of the page. [00:09:26] What can you do today? Today, not like in 10 years, what can you do today to move into that life, right? What can you actually do? Because when you bring that excitement, that happiness, that good feeling and you connect it to your day, then you are living an aligned life. [00:09:56] When you connect your vision, your future to your life today, then you're living an aligned life. You're living one whole life, a beautiful life that belongs to you instead of being broken up into different pieces and feeling disconnected. [00:10:19] So this is something simple actually, but game changing. Now, I can hear in some of your minds listening to this. Yes, yes, yes, Michael. But I can't do that because. [00:10:41] And I understand, right? I mean, I only do what I want all the time, right? I don't have anything else to do. I haven't got another job. I do what I want basically all day long. So my situation is different from a lot of people's situations. [00:10:55] However, we have to start somewhere, don't we? We have to start somewhere. We can't just indefinitely put it off because many people, they're waiting around for all these massive things to change before they do anything. One of the most funny stories about this is this artist and she wanted to do her art, right? So she was thinking, you know what? I can't do it, I can't do it. I haven't got a studio. I need a studio. I need a studio. So a year went by and she's thinking, I just really want to do my art. And she had the vision. [00:11:30] And then another year went by and she couldn't find a studio. About five years later, she actually did find a studio. And it was this beautiful place with lots of light coming in, high ceilings, all white, ready to go. So she got the studio, she had the money, she got all the equipment and she got it all set up, absolutely perfect. Music, everything, plants. It was just beautiful. [00:11:56] And what did she end up doing in the studio? [00:11:59] She ended up working on these really, really small, 2 inch by 2 inch tiny little drawings. [00:12:09] 2 inch by 2 inch drawings, which of course she could have done in her house. [00:12:18] Right? That's. [00:12:21] That's what happened. Now there's a few, few things you can take from this story. One is that maybe she wasn't going to do those until she got in the studio, right? You could have that argument. The other one is that you could do something beforehand because the whole time she was unhappy, right? She felt stressed out. Why am I doing this? So she wasn't enjoying her life all those years. She could have just started doing something. [00:12:47] Most things in life are a little bit difficult and the situation isn't perfect and there are all sorts of little issues along the way that can stop us doing it. [00:13:07] But if we don't start and we don't move in that direction, we are disconnected from our future. There's. There's not a chord you can imagine. Your future exists and that higher self exists, your future self. And there's like a chord going backwards through time into your life now. [00:13:27] And when you start doing the things that are related to your future, you connect that cord and you receive all that energy into your life. [00:13:38] So you have this beautiful future self. And that future self is sending energy backwards through time to you now, which is why you have visions and you have ideas and you have goals. [00:13:52] And when you connect your current life now to your future life, you are connecting a cord from the future backwards through time into your life today. And you receive all that energy and it lights you up and it inspires you. And then you start living one whole aligned life. [00:14:13] So the key thing is to connect in some way through your actions to your future in some way, right? Like when I was starting out on my journey of doing the sort of work that I do now, I just talked about it with people and I wrote things down on pieces of paper and then I started writing a book that's moving forward, right? I didn't have anything. There was nothing there. [00:14:51] But it was something. [00:14:54] When I realized I needed to move somewhere else, I created a vision board, right? I didn't do anything else, actually, but the holding the vision again and again and thinking about it and being open to things and talking to people eventually led someone to send me a ticket from. From Hawaii. I got a ticket and I ended up moving to Hawaii and then I ended up in Sedona. And now I travel around and. But all that happened with some action, right? Some. Something has to happen first and then things start coming Together. So what can you do today? And not just today, every day, in some form to connect your vision to your life, your life to your vision. There's a direct connection because our actions lead to our future, Our future leads to our actions. [00:16:04] This sounds simple, sounds obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people are living a totally disconnected life, has nothing to do with their vision. [00:16:15] And no wonder they feel stressed internally because there's not much joy. We can't feel happiness. I got a lot of depression. There's clinical depression, has some biological issues, right? I was depressed when I was younger. It wasn't diagnosed or anything, but I just didn't feel. I felt sad. Basically, I felt like my life was pointless because I didn't have a vision and I wasn't connected to my vision. [00:16:43] So I was just drifting around and I felt awful. [00:16:46] And then I had a spiritual awakening where I had a vision of my future. [00:16:51] And then I started doing things related to that. And then my whole life radically changed and I felt amazingly better. [00:16:58] Complete change in consciousness. So when we have the vision and then connect our life to the vision in some form, it might mean emailing someone, working on a book, doing a project, going somewhere, traveling. [00:17:12] When I work with some of my students and they want to become actors or they want to become something, right, I say, why don't you go and drive down to the studio just to get a feel for it? [00:17:24] Like, why don't you get in the car as if you have a job, as if you're acting in Hollywood, right? Drive down there if they live nearby, just to notice how it would feel to drive down those roads at that time of day as if you're about to get started, right? That sort of thing leads to changes. If you're thinking of writing a book, then just start. [00:17:55] You might end up doing something totally different and getting rid of it, but at least you're moving in the direction. Or at least buy a course on how to write a book or do an outline or talk to someone, get a coach. [00:18:08] The more we can connect our current life in some way to our future, the happier we are. [00:18:17] And if you say, oh, but I haven't got any time, I haven't got any time, you. You would be very rare person if that's actually true. Most people, right, who say, I haven't got time, you say, give me your phone. Let's have a look at your. [00:18:31] Your phone usage. Let me take a look. Let's have a look here. Oh, I see two hours on Instagram, one hour on tick tock hour on YouTube talking to these random people for ages and ages. Okay, we got four hours there. Most people have at least two hours a day, realistically, at least two hours that they could claim back from Entertainment. [00:19:00] Everyone thinks they're so busy. There are some busy people, but most people, it's not really busy. It's just distractions. We live in such a distracted world. Everyone thinks they're busy. But when you analyze it very honestly, we're actually just running around doing random stuff that's not very helpful. So we can claim that time back and say, let me at least put in an hour towards my vision. I'll feel great and then lots of wonderful things will start to happen. [00:19:30] And the easiest way to do this is to use a journal. That's why I have the wish fulfilled journal, which I have right here. [00:19:40] And I have a miracle journal which is a bit more advanced. [00:19:43] Or you can just do it in your own journal. So you write down your vision and then you say, how can I connect my vision to my actions? What can I practically do today in some form to make it happen? So I'll give you just very practical example, right today I am going to finish a video that I recorded yesterday, edit the video or get it edited by someone else, finish some emails that I've been working on, finish this blog thing. They're almost, nearly, nearly finished. So that this project that I've been working on for the last two or three months is actually done. That's a big day to actually get it finished. I mean, even if I don't get it finished, I'm moving on those things. And why am I doing that? Because I want to help more people feel better. I want to help people more. More people be wealthy and have a beautiful life. And in order for that to happen, I need to do these things. Otherwise it's not going to happen. [00:20:38] I currently have this amazing meditation training where you can get paid teaching meditation, guiding meditations, doing courses, podcasts. Everything's there, except it's not available to the public because I haven't finished these things. [00:20:57] So once I get that done, then people can join and I'll let you know about it as well. Actually, I'll put a link in the description when it's ready. [00:21:08] But do you see what I mean? If I don't do the stuff, no one gets it. And if no one gets it, then that's a loss for everyone. [00:21:16] So ask yourself, what is your vision and what can you do towards that? [00:21:24] Today and tomorrow do it. And the next day, do it every single day, even on the weekends. Because why wouldn't we want to be connected to our higher life all the time? [00:21:35] And sometimes it might just be sending good energy. It might just be relaxing, meditating, might be going for a walk. If in your highest vision you go on long walks and you do different things, then start doing those things. It doesn't have to be one work stuff, it can be sending love and blessings from your heart, going on walks, getting more rest, whatever it is in your life, if that's what your future self is doing and feeling, then pull that back now into your life. [00:22:05] And every day focus on those things as your priority. [00:22:10] And everything else will happen as well with ease and grace. [00:22:16] And if ultimately you are in a slightly different situation with different people or different relationship dynamics, you might want to move in that direction now because you're only putting it off. The other day I was in, in the garage, I think I mentioned this in another audio, looking at my old journals and I realized certain things were off and now they've been changed. [00:22:40] But I really, I could have moved them along quicker. Like certain things are going to happen anyway in the future. Why not just speed it up and get it taken care of? If you're having a lot of waste thoughts, negative thoughts about somebody again and again and again, it's probably a sign it's not a good thing. It needs to change. [00:22:59] So whatever you need to do that's connected to your future vision, what is one thing you can do to experience that and reconnect with that right now. [00:23:14] And as you do, you'll feel better, you'll feel lighter, you'll feel happier, you'll feel more joyful, you'll feel more inspired, you'll feel excited to get on with your life. So congratulations. I'm so excited for you. Thank you for being here. I appreciate you so much. Have a beautiful day. Lots of love.

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