Demystifying the Law of Attraction: Why It Fails and How to Make It Work

December 07, 2024 00:27:01
Demystifying the Law of Attraction: Why It Fails and How to Make It Work
Your Wish Fulfilled. Become Your Future Self Now.
Demystifying the Law of Attraction: Why It Fails and How to Make It Work

Dec 07 2024 | 00:27:01


Show Notes

In this enlightening episode titled "Demystifying the Law of Attraction: Why It Fails and How to Make It Work," we delve into the common pitfalls that hinder the effectiveness of the Law of Attraction and uncover practical strategies to harness its true power. Many find themselves frustrated when the Law of Attraction seems unresponsive, not realizing that subtle misalignments and misunderstandings can block the manifestation process.

We explore:

  • Common misconceptions about the Law of Attraction that lead to ineffective practices.
  • Key psychological and emotional adjustments necessary for successful manifestation.

This episode is designed to shift your perspective and approach, offering a clearer path to manifesting your desires. Whether you've faced disappointment in your manifestation efforts or are new to the concept, this discussion will provide valuable insights and actionable tips to revitalize your practice.

Join us as we reveal how to transform the Law of Attraction from a mystical concept into a practical tool that works consistently in your life.

For further exploration into effective manifestation techniques and personal growth, visit To support your journey and enhance your understanding, check out Michael Mackintosh's resources and guided meditations on Insight Timer. This episode will equip you with the knowledge and skills to not just believe in the Law of Attraction, but to actively engage it in creating the life you've always imagined.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Welcome to your wish fulfilled. [00:00:07] This is a magical opportunity to experience more good feelings, more joy, more success, and create the beautiful life that you want, that you deserve, that is possible for you. [00:00:26] Today, we are diving into how to experience the feeling of success when you don't have what you want yet. And we're going to be talking about the number one reason that people fail using the law of attraction, manifestation. [00:00:53] This is really important. I was thinking actually of uploading an audio book that I did a long time ago, and I might do that that goes into this. The book I wrote was called why the law of attraction doesn't work for most people and how to manifest what you want. [00:01:11] And so the beginning of these lovely podcasts. Thank you for being here, by the way. I'm very grateful for you. [00:01:18] We normally do a little guided meditation visualization of what you want. But before we do that, I want to talk about something that could be preventing you from getting what you want. [00:01:31] I was sharing with a small group recently how when we are visualizing something that we want, it can quite likely lead us to feeling lack, right? Because if you're here now, right, you're thinking, here I am in my house or doing what I'm doing, and I want to be somewhere else, I want to have something else. [00:01:59] The very act of visualizing those things can lead you to feel, I haven't got it yet, right? So a lot of this visualization work can horribly backfire on us, right? We talk about this in different sessions. The gap and the gain, the lack and the wealth, right? So if I'm standing here thinking, I want to be over there, then I am feeling lack. I don't want to be here, I want to be there, right? And that feeling of lack is the opposite feeling of what we want to have, isn't it? Right. [00:02:39] So if I'm thinking, oh, I want to have this amount of money or I want to have this new thing, or I want to what? What? Whatever it is, right? [00:02:48] The very interest in having something you don't have can lead to a feeling of poverty. And poverty feeling, lack feeling leads to more of that because it keeps expanding on whatever it is. [00:03:07] So many people, they write down what they want, they visualize what they want, and the result of that is they feel worse than if they hadn't done anything. [00:03:18] So just briefly, we need to recap the gap and the gain concept, or the lack and the wealth concept. [00:03:27] If you measure how far you've come today compared to how you were yesterday or in the past or three months, ago, six months ago, 10 years ago. You will see how far you've come. You've learned loads of things. You have loads of things. You've got experiences, you know, lots of good things have happened. Even if there has been challenges, you're in a great place compared to where you were. Lots of things have moved forward. Even if things go wrong sometimes, you're still in a good place if you measure backwards. [00:03:59] But if you measure into the future, then you are in a state of lack, a state of the gap, the gap between where you are and where you want to be. [00:04:12] Does that make sense? [00:04:14] So how do we visualize what we want without feeling lack? [00:04:25] I'm surprised more people don't talk about this. I mean, of course some people talk about it. [00:04:33] What we need to do is first of all come into the feeling of success now, first, before we try and visualize what we want. [00:04:47] So that's why I often recommend gratitude, appreciation. Count your wealth. You know, gratitude has kind of become like a standard fare thing that everyone knows about. No one does. But if you think about it, what does it really mean? Appreciation is a better word. When you appreciate something, it appreciates in value. [00:05:08] So for example, I appreciate you, I appreciate your attention. I'm glad to be able to do this. It's early in the morning here and I thought I'd like to share this with you. So I'm happy to be doing this. A lovely morning meditation, have my tea. It's a great day, I feel great and I want to share something to help others. So thank you for being here. There's loads of things we can be grateful for, right? Grateful for people in our lives, grateful for knowledge that we have opportunities, for money, that we have opportunity, know all the stuff that we have in our life. [00:05:44] So when you go back to zero, this is really, really important. I've been teaching this for many, many years. Zero point. [00:05:52] Zero point. Remember that term, zero point? It means imagine going back to zero, having absolutely nothing. So you lose your body, you lose everything you have, all the people you know, all the knowledge you have. If you went back to zero, in one sense, it's actually a relief because there's nothing to worry about, right? So zero point is a very beautiful place, but it also represents you don't have anything. [00:06:22] And then if you add back in all the things that you now have, like you imagine you leave your body, you leave the world and you have nothing. So you're just a being of peace. [00:06:35] And then you come back into this body, into this world, and then you have all this stuff again, right? [00:06:43] Then you think, this is great. Even if I have challenges, even have pain, even if I have issues, this is all these opportunities. [00:06:52] And then from that feeling of wealth and appreciation, you can then say, all right, what would be a fun thing to create just for fun? [00:07:11] But you're starting from a place of feeling good at the beginning. [00:07:24] And then you think, what would be a fun creation that would be an interesting journey to go on? [00:07:36] If we don't enjoy the journey of creating what we want in our life, it's a bad sign, don't you think? If the actual journey is a complete travesty, a complete nightmare, that's probably a sign we're on the wrong path, don't you think? [00:07:57] Now, we have to be clear about this. On the path, there's going to be challenges. That doesn't mean it's bad. Like one of my students, she told me recently, she said, oh, you know, this is hard. This is hard. [00:08:11] You know, it's a bad sign because it's hard. [00:08:14] Being hard isn't a bad sign. Being hard means you're actually facing yourself and making progress, right? Because if you do this easy things, if everything you do is easy, if it's the same thing over and over again, you're not going to make any changes. So by definition, anything that is moving you towards growth is going to have some level of difficulty, right? So we have to discern the difference between being difficult and it being the wrong path, right? A lot of people, they can't tell the difference. They think, oh, if it doesn't feel good all the time, then it means that it's a bad thing. For example, I start going to the gym and I've stopped going. I should probably go back again. [00:08:58] And like, I don't really like going to the gym. You know, I have a personal trainer. I don't want to go there. I don't like going there. I don't enjoy being there. I actually don't like any of it, frankly. I'd rush, rather be just reading a book or going on a walk or something. But I do feel better afterwards. [00:09:19] So does that mean I should never go to the gym? Because I don't feel like it. [00:09:24] Sometimes I go on these very difficult hikes, right? Up and down, up and down mountain, and I might get out of breath and I'm like, oh, this is intense, right? Does that mean I shouldn't do it? [00:09:38] Many times I'm working on a project and it's fun, fun, fun, fun, fun. And then it Comes to the end where I have to finish it and I'm like, oh, my, my God, I don't want to do this. I'd much rather do a new project or avoid something or do something else. Does that mean I should just give up? [00:09:53] Right. So obviously there's going to be some challenges in anything we're doing, but the key thing is overall, is it a path of growth that you're on? [00:10:10] So to manifest properly with more ease and joy, we need to have gratitude so we're feeling in the gain in the success now, and then choose something that is a path of growth that we actually are going to benefit from and enjoy most of the time. Doesn't mean we're going to enjoy it all the time. [00:10:39] If you think that you're going to enjoy everything you do all the time when you're making progress, that's a delusional idea. [00:10:46] We can change our attitude and say, even the challenges, I'm going to try and embrace them and enjoy them. But there will be times where it is just frankly, a pain in the ass and we don't want to deal with it. Right. That's just how it is. [00:11:00] So once you accept that, once your expectation is calibrated correctly, once you understand that there will be various things that come up along the way, then it's not a big deal. Like, for example, Joe Dispenser. One of the things I like about him, he's the. If you don't know who he is, he talks about health and healing and mindset. And he, he was a chiropractor and he was on a bike ride and like a, he was like a race biking race. [00:11:32] And he turned the corner and a truck came out of nowhere and smashed right into him and flipped him off his bike. And he ended up in hospital with a broken back, broken spine. And he's a chiropractor, so he understands the spine really well. And they said he's gonna have to have like this metal rod in his spine. And he knew that would just wreck his life and he'd be in constant pain. [00:11:54] So he visualized, he knew which part of his spine was broken, right? So he visualized that particular part of his spine was healed again and again and again while in the hospital. Right. And what he says, this is the thing that I find most interesting about this story. He says it took him four hours, four hours of very, very dedicated practice to come into the feeling of his spine being healed. [00:12:31] And then he would slip out of it, and then it would take him another Four hours to get back in. So he might have spent four hours just to get to that one minute or couple of minutes where he felt success, success, success. Right now he's lying in bed, he's trying to heal himself. He doesn't have anything else to do. He can't get up, right? So he's obviously got time to do this, the thing to take from this. And then after he did that, by the way, he did that enough times and then he ended up walking out of the hospital fine. He healed his spine. [00:13:03] So it's a miraculous story for a couple of reasons. One is the result is miraculous, but more miraculous is that he had the perseverance to face himself for four hours straight before he could get to that one minute or a couple of minutes or even a few seconds of feeling success. [00:13:31] So what people normally do is they visualize what they want for a few seconds, they feel bad about it, and then they think they're doing visualization. And it doesn't work that way. Right? That's actually going to make it worse. [00:13:46] So if we want success in our life, we need to have the expectation that it does take time. We need to remember that this can backfire on us. Not to be afraid of it, but just to be aware of it. You know, it's like if you're working out, you need to be aware you can pull muscles and do it wrong. So then you avoid doing it that way and you do it the better way. [00:14:13] So you start off with gratitude, with wealth, realizing how far you've come, how many gains you have, how great you are, how much success you already have in your life, how much you've learned. [00:14:26] And then you take the time to imagine, for fun, that you have attained what you want. [00:14:38] You imagine the journey of getting there, being interesting, and a growth opportunity. [00:14:52] Because as you imagine the actual journey being interesting, then you're opening yourself up to the process. [00:15:03] Because if we think the outcome, once I have this much money, then everything will be fine. If we think that outcome is going to solve all our problems, we're missing the point. Because the outcome is only going to last for a very short time. [00:15:19] Like many, many people get what they want and then they want something else and it doesn't make any difference. But the journey was disturbing and they didn't learn anything and they haven't changed, so what good was it for them or anyone else? So if you imagine, first of all you're doing great now, then you imagine the journey being a growth. So like, how are you changing as a person as a result of this journey that you're on, how is your life improving? Gently, gently. For example, maybe you're going to become more organized, more. More perseverance, more dedication, more focus. [00:15:57] You're gonna take care of things, you're gonna upgrade your relationships, you're gonna talk to yourself nicer, you're gonna learn to love yourself more. So the journey of getting to the outcome is wonderful. So you imagine the journey itself being fascinating. For example, let's say you want to make more money, which is fine, right? Great, why not have way more money? [00:16:27] How can the journey towards more wealth make you a better person? Make you a more elevated being? [00:16:44] Just think about that. Think about what you want. [00:16:48] Think about what is required of you. Who do you have to become to achieve that? [00:17:00] So there's the aim, and then there are the qualifications for the aim. This is something a lot of people don't talk about. The aim has qualifications. [00:17:08] It's not that we can just visualize what we want for a few seconds a day and somehow it's going to happen. That doesn't work that way. There are qualifications related to the goal. So if someone wants to have be a multi billionaire, there's certain qualifications for that, right? [00:17:26] We're the ones who can become qualified. And that means who are we becoming, what are we doing, how are we thinking, how are we acting? What sort of person can allow themselves to become that? [00:17:41] Like there are a lot of, for example, successful people on the Internet and physically with a lot of followers, etc. Etc. What are the qualifications for that? It's not like a degree qualifications, but they had to like put themselves out there. They had to be willing to do stuff that might not wanted to do when they didn't feel like it. They had to be willing to put up with criticism from people who didn't like them. [00:18:03] They had to be willing to put in the work, you know, enough times, etc, etc, right? There's certain things that they did and as a result of doing those things, they became qualified to achieve that goal. And a lot of the time people have changed themselves in the process. [00:18:26] So here's your goal, your aim, your vision. [00:18:31] You start from a place of wealth that you're doing great now. You visualize yourself moving in that direction. [00:18:39] What are the changes you're making in yourself? What are the ways in which you're growing and evolving and becoming a better version of yourself? [00:18:51] And then as you do that, you will feel more inspired because you're bringing the good feeling into the process. So the process itself is a gain. You're thinking, I'm going to be learning, I'm growing. This is inspiring. [00:19:08] And then you imagine being in that future reality when you've already become that, and you assume the feeling of who you will become when your wish is fulfilled. Let me read the quote from Neville the this podcast is based on get into the spirit of the desired state by assuming the feeling that would be yours were you already the one you want to be. [00:19:49] Right? So it's not what you have, it's get into the spirit of the state desired by assuming the feeling that would be yours were you already the one you want to be. [00:20:04] As you capture the feeling of the state sought, you are relieved of all effort to make it so, for it is already so. [00:20:15] There is a definite feeling associated with every idea in the mind of man. Capture the feeling associated with your realized wish by assuming the feeling that would be yours were you already in possession of the thing you desire, and your wish will objectify itself. [00:20:47] And that feeling of having already attained what you want takes a little bit of patience. That's why I mentioned about Joe Dispenser, because it took him four hours to get into that feeling. [00:21:06] So the more you can take the time to do this, well, enjoy the process, enjoy the journey, be okay with the various challenges that will allow you to, first of all have a better life now. [00:21:28] Secondly, feel good now because you get into that feeling state and also you will accept and embrace the difficulties of in life as part of the journey and as something that is actually success. [00:21:45] Because when we do hard things that are good for us, we build strength and we feel great, right? [00:21:58] Like, I've decided to start going to bed earlier so that I can get up even earlier. I already get up around 4:00 anyway, right. Just a little bit earlier. [00:22:08] And what I realized is I wasn't going to bed early enough to wake up feeling fresh. I've gone to bed earlier. I feel great, right? I've been up for a long time already, it's only seven in the morning, but I feel fantastic because I've taken care of myself doing stuff differently in various ways. [00:22:27] And as a result of that, everything's getting better and better and better. So when we face ourselves, when we face these things, when we have a realistic expectation of what we're dealing with, when we make effort towards what we want, our life feels very inspiring today and we manifest what we want. [00:22:52] So thank you so much for your wonderful presence. [00:22:57] Let's finish by holding the vision for a moment of what you wish to manifest, starting with realizing how blessed you already are. [00:23:15] Now imagine becoming the person you wish to be more than what you have or what you have become. [00:23:26] How are you different? Upgraded? [00:23:45] See yourself as successful, as clear, loving, focused, whatever it is. Just see yourself in this higher state, maybe you're wearing different clothes, you look different. [00:24:00] And just tune into the wonderful journey of transformation you've gone through, including the challenges and opportunities for growth that have made you this upgraded version of yourself, that this is a path of growth and change that you're on. [00:24:28] And see yourself embracing the journey, becoming an upgraded higher level version of yourself. [00:24:50] And as you see this upgraded version of you, it includes transformation in your results, in your things that you have, in the situations you've created and just assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled. [00:26:05] Just breathe in that wonderful feeling of success. [00:26:18] Just remember you can come back and just do this. Practice in your own time for a longer period. [00:26:25] Experiencing the growth, experiencing the wealth now, and realigning your identity with this upgraded version of who you're becoming. [00:26:43] Thank you for being here. Thank you for your wonderful presence. Have a beautiful day. [00:26:49] Many, many blessings.

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