Who are you and why are you here?

February 26, 2025 00:26:57
Who are you and why are you here?
Your Wish Fulfilled. Become Your Future Self Now.
Who are you and why are you here?

Feb 26 2025 | 00:26:57


Show Notes

Have you ever paused and truly asked yourself: Who am I? Why am I here? These are the questions that shape our entire existence, yet so few people take the time to explore them deeply.

In this episode, we dive into the nature of identity, purpose, and the deeper meaning behind our existence. You are more than just a name, a role, or a collection of experiences. Beneath it all, there is something infinite, something uniquely you—but how do you find it?

We’ll explore:

If you’ve ever felt lost or uncertain about your path, this episode will guide you back to the truth of who you are—beyond limitations, beyond doubts, and into a life of clarity and purpose.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:02] Who are you? [00:00:05] What is your natural state of being and what is your reason for being alive? Why are you here? [00:00:22] You are the most exceptional and valuable when you are being true to yourself. [00:00:35] Many blessings. Hope you're doing great. [00:00:39] Today we're talking about how to be yourself. How to be a first rate version of yourself rather than a second rate version of somebody else. [00:00:54] Because we are all different. We're all unique beings. You are different from anyone else in the world. You really are. Like, literally there is nobody else like you at all. There might be people who are similar to you in some ways because we're all, of course, human beings, right? So we all have similar programming in different ways and we all have hands and feet and whatever else, right? So there's lots of similarities, but we're all different. [00:01:26] And when we are aligned with who we are, when we are aligned with ourselves and we are at peace with ourselves, then we can express ourselves calmly and naturally, confidently, and we can go through life with a sense of ease, ease, a sense of contentment, a sense of happiness, because we are aligned with our own nature. [00:02:04] But when we are trying to copy someone else, we always feel a little bit off, a little bit anxious, a little bit like we're pretending. [00:02:18] Now, why do we copy people? We all do it, right? We all do it. Even language, right? Did you invent the English language? [00:02:27] No. Neither did I. Right? English language is the language we talk now has come from a long, long, long line of various other people going back a very long way. [00:02:40] And so we are using words and also have accents based on other people. So our accent is copying, right? So we can't be completely original because we have to use the building blocks that already exist, like language, you know, clothes. If you wanted to like invent your own language and create your own clothes and create everything from scratch, it would be a very hard thing to do. So we're using things that already exist. [00:03:11] And then we go through life and we copy our parents or people around us and then our peers. And then we look at stuff on the Internet nowadays and we see all these things, YouTube videos, movies, magazines, blah blah, blah, and we absorb all of this information and it informs how we think we should be. [00:03:44] Otherwise. If it didn't work, why would people advertise? Right? Advertising is millions and billions of dollars industry, right? If advertising didn't work, they wouldn't spend money on it. So when we see things, when we see other people buying things or having things or eating things or doing things, some part of us is looking around and Grabbing information is simulating it into our consciousness and then to some degree trying to copy it. You see it in little kids, but doesn't stop when we grow up. It carries on. [00:04:24] So copying people is something we just naturally do as human beings. That's mainly how children learn, right? For their imitation. [00:04:36] So this is a built in mechanism and there's certain benefits to it. Problem with it is that if we copy everyone all the time and we're not looking inward at ourselves, what makes us unique and what brings us peace and well being, then we can always be trying to copy other people and be out of alignment with ourselves. [00:05:05] And if we are out of alignment with ourselves, the sign, the sign that we're off track with ourselves is we feel stressed, we feel awkward and we feel anxious, we feel something is wrong with our life. [00:05:31] We feel like we are forcing ourselves. We feel like we are almost standing on one leg, so to speak. We're off balance internally. [00:05:48] And some people are more energetic, right? They like to run around and do all this stuff and they speak really quickly, right? And that's great. And some people are more relaxed and more calm. [00:06:05] And because we live in an extroverted world, there's introverts and extroverts, ambiverts, right? [00:06:12] It's. Extroversion is the preferred thing thing in modern society, right? That's why actors and movie stars, musicians, people who perform, which is an extroverted type of thing that is praised very highly, right. In our society. And there's of course benefit to that. But if you are more relaxed and more at peace, and you're not into that sort of thing as much, it doesn't drive you, then on some level there can be a feeling that you should be more extroverted. And a lot of people, myself included, have got caught up in that whole game unconsciously, because we absorb everything. [00:07:07] So each one of us has our own dharma, our own purpose, our own life path which is genuinely aligned with us. The path with a heart. [00:07:20] In my book, the Dharma Keys, I talk about this wonderful expression, a path with a heart. [00:07:32] Does it have a path with a heart? [00:07:37] Because if we are trying to follow somebody else, it doesn't have that power, it doesn't have that heart, it doesn't have that good feeling behind it, because it's just not right for us. [00:07:55] So think about this for yourself. What is your true path? [00:08:07] This is a big question. What is your true part? Who. Who are you and why are you here? [00:08:27] This is a very important question. [00:08:30] Who are you and why are you Here. [00:08:38] And I'll tell you one thing. It's not to be a second grade version of some other person. You're not here to copy somebody else because they're doing their thing. [00:08:52] And a lot of people, they're not even living their dharma. So you've kind of got people copying people, copying people, copying people. No wonder so many people are depressed, right? So if you got large numbers of human beings who are not living their path and then other people copying them, and then other people copying the person who's copying them, what a mess that is, right? So we need to look in with within ourselves, look inwards and say, who am I? [00:09:24] What is my natural way of living? My natural aligned way of being? [00:09:35] And how can I embody what I already am? [00:09:53] Something I've personally been thinking about recently. I went for a lovely walk. I've been spending the last few days going on walks in the mountains. Been beautiful. And I was thinking, what's the point of my life, really? [00:10:13] What's it all about? [00:10:15] And three things came to my awareness. And this might support you why I'm sharing this. [00:10:24] First thing is I feel I'm here to make people feel better. [00:10:30] Hopefully, I'm making you feel better. You know, just to make people relax. Good vibrations, love, loving, kind energy. That. That's what I feel. I feel all of us are here to do that, actually. To. To bring positive good vibrations into the world, right? [00:10:50] So it's more of a beingness, more of an energy than it is a doingness, right? So one is to bring good feelings, good vibrations, peace and calm and love and light and ease and grace into the world. Second thing, for me, anyway, is to share profound things, to share deep things in a way that people understand. Because that's pretty much all I do. That's what I like to do. And it seems to be what I'm good at. And I tend to help people with these things. So loving energy, good vibrations, and also sharing things. You know, other people, they might be better off building things or helping people with, like, everyone's different, right? That just happens to be what I'm doing with my life. But if everyone did that, there would be a huge lack in all these other areas that wouldn't. Wouldn't be good for everyone to be doing the same thing. [00:11:48] And the third thing that came to my awareness, which is actually surprising, it's taken me this. This long to really look at this, is that after sharing whatever is shared, it's not my responsibility whether or not anyone does anything with it. [00:12:11] Like, if you listen to this podcast and you get anything out of it and you do anything with it. Ultimately, that's up to you, isn't it? Because you're master of your life and you can decide whether you want to do something or not. [00:12:26] So if you take any of the suggestions that I've ever had, you've been listening to this for a while, and it's benefited you. You're the one who did it. You're the one who thought about these things and applied them and got the outcome. But that. That's up to you. Your success in life is in your hands. [00:12:50] And this applies to everyone, really. Everyone is the master of their own life. And whether or not we want to do something or not do something is up to us. You can't force anyone to. [00:13:03] To do anything. You can lead someone to the dance floor, but you can't make them dance. [00:13:10] You can lead the horse to water, but you can't make the horse drink. [00:13:15] So we can share from our heart and have good intentions. [00:13:23] And then end of the day, everyone does whatever they want, don't they? [00:13:31] So that's what I personally feel my life is about, is coming from a good place, feeling at peace. And I also realize I don't need to be super extroverted and speak really quickly and be too intense because there's enough people like that around as it is, don't you think? [00:13:54] I think sometimes I've tried to sort of be more intense in order to fit in with a certain idea about what I should be like, according to some. Something I've seen somewhere. [00:14:09] Right? And perhaps you're actually quite a fiery, hardcore person and you might be trying to be more relaxed than you are, which would be unnecessary as well. Do you see what I'm saying? [00:14:21] We all have a certain temperament and a certain way of being that comes within us naturally. [00:14:29] And if we're aligned with it, then we can relax and we can enjoy ourselves. I. I know loads of people. I have so many students in my different programs, right? Some of them are really, like, supercharged. They speak like 10 times the speed. You know, like with messages, you can change the speed, right? Some people, when they're speaking, I have to turn it up double time, or even more than that, right? Because they speak so slowly. I'm like, what are they trying to say? Let me just get it. Other people, if you. If I try and do double time or even one and a half time, I can't understand what they're saying because they're already speaking double time to begin with, right? And in Ayurveda, if you study it, there are the three different types. Vata, pitta, and kapha. Right? And now apparently some you can be a variety of these things. [00:15:25] Vata people tend to speak quickly and they're a bit, like, wiry and a bit intense, right? A bit kind of ungrounded. Pitta people are more like on point, getting done, get it done. And kapha people are more relaxed. [00:15:40] Right? And most of us have a variety of all three. Some people might be like, fully one, but a lot of us are a bit of a mix. [00:15:51] So we have temperament, we have certain personality types. We have things that go back from previous lives. There's a whole range of things that made us the way we are. And there's also some bad habits and stuff like that that isn't who we really are that we've kind of carrying around with us. So it's important as we explore this to also discern the difference between your original self, your natural way of being, and bad habits that we picked up along the way. [00:16:23] Because if we just say, oh, that's just how I am. But what we're really talking about is bad habit, that's not sincere. That's not the real thing. That's something that we've acquired. [00:16:38] So we have our natural, original self, we have our temperament, and we also have a reason for being alive. [00:16:59] And it's very important we figure out what it is because it brings profound peace and it takes a lot of stress out of our life because we can let it go. We don't have to try and be like anyone else. [00:17:19] Like some people, they are very interested in certain things, right? I mean, there are a lot of people in my life I've noticed, or certain people in my life who try and they want me to be a different way. [00:17:37] Right? And I think we, some, to some degree, all of us want someone in our life to be different, right? Just on some level, we tend to want people to be like us because we're ourselves and we feel okay with it. And people who are different, we're like, oh, be better if they weren't like that, and they were more like this. [00:17:58] So this is something that happens unconsciously. Some people run, want to change you, you might want to change someone else, I might want to change somebody. [00:18:08] There are certain bad habits within us that we need to let go of, which is fair enough. [00:18:13] So one is the bad habits, the other is programming from the world. And then there's our original self. And we need to understand what that Is who are you? [00:18:30] What is your natural state of being and what is your reason for being alive? Why are you here? [00:18:50] One of the most profound things we can do is just take the pressure off. [00:19:01] Don't try to be someone else. You don't have to be. There's no point in fact. [00:19:07] Trying to be a second grade version of a different person is really not good for anyone. [00:19:17] The funny thing is that if you go on the Internet, you look at your phone, go on social stuff, right? Gone, anything, you will come across endless examples of who you should be according to various people. What you should believe, what politics is the proper politics, what products you should buy, what you should look like. [00:19:43] Right? [00:19:46] It's really intense programming going on here. We don't think of it as programming, we think of it as content, but it's actually programming. [00:19:55] So we're being told thousands of times a day who we should be and what we should be like. [00:20:06] But end of the day, you are who you are. [00:20:11] And there is a genuine reason, a real role that you have in this great game of life, this great play. [00:20:21] And you know that you found it because you feel at peace with yourself. That's how you can tell if you feel content and at peace. [00:20:36] It's a very good sign if you feel like you're always trying to force yourself to do things you don't like. [00:20:49] Always feeling slightly out of place and a little bit off. Off then is probably not the right thing for you to be doing, right? Because if it's. It might be hard, right? A lot of stuff that's good for us, that is our dharma, is our purpose, is a bit difficult, but it. It's something that we're willing to do that still leads to a sense of contentment. [00:21:19] Right? Doesn't mean everything's easy when we're following our path with the heart. Doesn't mean that we don't have any challenges. Doesn't mean we don't feel awkward as we progress, right? Because learning things and moving forward is often slightly weird feeling. Like if you're trying to learn a piano or an instrument or something new and you feel good about it, it's still going to be slightly hard to do because it's new. So we need to discern the difference. [00:21:51] The awkward feeling of something that's new that is actually aligned with our path versus the awkward feeling of something that is not aligned for us, where we're forcing ourselves to do something that is unnatural. [00:22:13] Because realistically, we can't live someone else's life year after year after Year without losing ourselves. Right? It's not healthy. [00:22:28] So these are things to consider. [00:22:32] I can't tell you who you are and what you're here to do because I don't know and neither can anyone else. It's something for you to explore. [00:22:44] What I can tell you is that you will feel content and relaxed and inspired when you're living your path. You'll feel genuinely happy to get out of bed and do something because you want to do it. You'll feel content as you go to sleep. You'll feel at peace in your own skin. [00:23:16] It doesn't mean you won't have challenges in your life. Doesn't mean you won't have illnesses, doesn't mean you won't have stuff coming up. That's a different topic. But you'll feel like you're living in alignment with something meaningful and like you're having a good life. I'm thinking of Martin Luther King, right? He often questioned himself. He often had challenges. I mean, he was eventually assassinated, right? I mean, this. [00:23:47] These, like, public figures. [00:23:51] Ultimately, he was living in alignment with what he felt was right, even though it was very hard. [00:23:59] So some of these things, they're not always easy. [00:24:03] I'm not talking about taking the easy path where there's no challenges. Because, you know, if we just seek comfort, all we do is seek comfort all the time. It doesn't lead to a sense of excitement and joy and happiness. Actually, it leads to depression. So comfort seeking is not what we're talking about. [00:24:25] This is a very deep thing, right? Something to think about. Who are you? [00:24:30] What is your natural tendency? What is your natural nature? [00:24:37] Your real natural nature, not the programming. [00:24:43] Why are you here, really? What are you here to do with your precious life? [00:25:03] And how will you know when you are living in alignment with yourself? [00:25:19] We talk more about this in the Dharma Keys book. But these are just important questions to ask. By asking the question, you open the door to receive the guidance. [00:25:37] And that's why it's important to take time off, to rest, to relax, to allow the guidance, the ideas, the inspiration to appear in your wonderful mind and in your heart. [00:25:52] So thank you. Thank you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for your wonderful presence. Hope this has been inspirational in some way. [00:26:02] Just be aware. Are you being true to yourself or are you trying to copy someone? You don't need to. You can let it go. You are wonderful the way you are. In fact, you are the most wonderful. You are the most exceptional and valuable when you are being true to yourself, not trying to be like anyone else. [00:26:33] Lots of love, many blessings.

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