Episode Transcript
[00:00:01] Welcome to your wish fulfilled. Many blessings and I hope you are feeling relaxed and at peace.
[00:00:14] Today we're diving into the importance of rest.
[00:00:21] Deep rest, time off, time to relax in order to manifest and create the life we want. It's really important to stop and just enjoy, take time away from the usual day to day things that we do. Take time away from trying to manifest things as well.
[00:00:51] Because if we are continuously pushing, pushing, pushing towards something, we're obviously in a state of lack, right? If they always push, push, push, I want it, I want it, I want it. Obviously haven't got it right, which is not the right energy.
[00:01:11] And also we need variety in our lives. When was the last time you took a proper break?
[00:01:24] I recently took four or five days off. I was just like, I just had enough, you know, I love my life, I love my work, I love doing what I do. But there comes a point where we need to detach and let go completely. Just completely let go for forget it.
[00:01:46] In fact, I'm recording this the beginning of February. It's got warm here in Sedona, which has been very, very nice.
[00:01:55] And often I have these wonderful intentions for January. I'm going to get this done. I'm going to make all these great things happen in January.
[00:02:04] But it just completely didn't happen this last month. Like hardly anything's happened. Had some strange allergies and I had did a fast for eight or nine days and.
[00:02:15] And then I'm just like, I'm not doing. So I've kind of taken in many ways taken a month off. Not intentionally, but it's kind of been forced upon me. And this seems to happen to a lot of people. If we don't take time away then either we get sick or we have something that's just not working out and we just have to stop, right? There's so many ways that it happens.
[00:02:43] So what about you?
[00:02:49] We can tune into this, but first let's take a moment to tune into the vision. What is it that you want to create? What is your ideal life?
[00:03:04] And let's take a moment just to breathe and relax.
[00:03:13] And as you breathe out, just let your whole body start to relax and let go more and more, just letting go.
[00:03:37] And imagine there is a golden doorway, golden gateway if you like.
[00:03:43] And on the other side of that gateway is your ideal, your perfect, your higher life where you have attained a higher state of being. You have manifested certain things in your life in various ways.
[00:04:02] And just take a moment to move towards that gateway and imagine moving through it and Coming out in a new life, an upgrade in life, and just noticing what is different, what is new and different in your ideal reality.
[00:04:32] How do you feel?
[00:04:35] What are you doing?
[00:04:40] Who are you with?
[00:04:56] Just get a glimpse or a feeling or an image, sounds, just what is it that you want?
[00:05:34] And just let yourself absorb the good vibrations, the wonderful feelings, the images, whatever it is that you can experience, just pull it into yourself. You're like bringing the future to you, just noticing what you want. What do you want? What's different?
[00:06:22] The funny thing about creating the life we want is that many things that we think we want don't make any difference. When I was fasting, I'll do a session on my fast and an eight day fast, water fast, because I didn't, wasn't eating anything. I ended up buying stuff on Amazon, right? Like things that I thought I would need once I, you know, like food things and like things that, because I was hungry but I didn't eat anything. So I bought certain things, right? I actually made some nice upgrades on the house, upgraded certain things, but on a smaller scale. We think we want certain things and then we get them and then it doesn't really make much difference to us.
[00:07:11] So figuring out what we really want and what really matters is quite a life journey if you think about it.
[00:07:22] Because if we think that what we want is actually what we want and we don't question our desires, we don't look at it clearly, then we can spend a lot of time and energy getting things, manifesting them, having them, and then realizing it doesn't matter.
[00:07:46] It really doesn't matter.
[00:07:48] And what I personally keep coming back to and reason I created this podcast really, is that it's the feelings. It's the feelings that matter the most.
[00:08:00] What we're really looking for is to feel good, to feel happy, content, peaceful, loving, joyful, to have love for ourselves, love for others, to feel relaxed, to have connection, meaningful connection with other people.
[00:08:26] That's really what matters in our heart of hearts, if we're really honest. Everyone has a slightly different version of it, but when it comes down to it, that's what we want. And coming back to our topic, taking time to relax.
[00:08:46] This is such an important thing because end of the day, if we are stressed and constantly running around, how is that good for us? How is that a wonderful thing? Of course we have challenges in life. We have things that we have to do that we don't like. There are stressful situations.
[00:09:12] So that has to be dealt with in various ways.
[00:09:16] We also need to look at our life and say, am I stressing myself out?
[00:09:24] Am I unnecessarily pushing?
[00:09:29] High achievers tend to be a bit intense, right? I consider myself a high achiever. I always like to achieve things and make things happen, which is fine, right? There's a lot of stuff to do, but it needs to be balanced with letting go, with relaxing, with getting enough rest in terms of being productive, actually taking time away from whatever it is we doing leads to us being more productive later on because we can't even see what is important, what is essential from what is just busy work if we're in the middle of it all the time.
[00:10:30] So I've probably been doing about, I don't know, one hour's work a day, maybe two.
[00:10:39] And those hours where I have done any work, they've been very productive because I'm like, this is the key thing, let me just do that. Whereas if I'm working all the time, I can just be moving things around and think that I'm productive, but I'm not really.
[00:11:00] So let's bring this back to you. What would you like to do that would be restful for you?
[00:11:11] What would you like to do that would make you feel very relaxed? Perhaps getting more sleep, you know, turning off the alarm, going to bed when, when you want, waking up when you feel like it, staying in bed as long as you like.
[00:11:29] Recently I wasn't feeling particularly well after my fast recovering and I actually went to bed at five in the afternoon and I'm not sure when I got up. I think I might have got out of bed somewhere around like 10 o'clock or something the next day. It was a long time. I was just lying in bed, bed having. I felt great when I woke up.
[00:11:56] So, you know, we can push, push, push and get a lot of stuff done for a certain amount of time, but it's really important that we have this balance. So what, what do you need to do? Think about it. Is it more rest? Would you like to read a book?
[00:12:12] What, what is actually genuinely restful for you? Some people don't even know what it is because they're so used to stressing out. When you say what would you like to do to rest? They actually don't know. So it's really worth thinking about this. This morning I woke up and I went on a beautiful walk in Sedona in West Fork. I don't know if you've ever been to Sedona. You can check it out on Google, West Fork or Call of Canyon. It's Called and it snowed recently.
[00:12:45] So you're walking over these, walking over the creek, it goes round, round you crossing the creek again and again. But there was snow and ice, so you could just walk straight over the water in a lot of places. And there was snow everywhere. So you got the red rocks and you got the snow.
[00:13:04] It was just fantastic. I felt so peaceful just being hardly anyone there. It was just epic.
[00:13:15] I've been reading a book in the sun.
[00:13:23] So what do you like to do?
[00:13:26] What could you do that would be very relaxing?
[00:13:32] Many very productive people, they take three days off a week just to do nothing or just to relax or do something different. Not their work. Because then when they are doing work, they're much more effective.
[00:13:51] And when we take the pressure off ourselves, oh, I have to manifest, I have to create. We take the pressure off, we come into a wonderful feeling where we are content and relaxed. And being content is a sign of success because we're trying to get these things ultimately so we can feel satisfied and content.
[00:14:21] So if you just take time off and relax, then you feel content anyway. So then you got what you want.
[00:14:38] So think about this. What could you do to take more time off to feel content, to feel relaxed, to let go?
[00:14:51] And are there any foods or drinks or certain medicines that are sensibly consumed that would help you come into that relaxed state?
[00:15:05] Obviously there's different things that we can eat or take that alter our brain chemistry, right? Our diet, all these different things. What is it that helps you feel more relaxed?
[00:15:25] I'm not talking about getting into heavy duty addictions with heroin and stuff like that, just to be clear.
[00:15:31] But think about what are the different situations, different activities, different substances, foods, drinks, rest.
[00:15:43] How can you feel very relaxed and not have side effects?
[00:15:58] As I was walking today in the canyon, I've been thinking about this last few days because I've not been working.
[00:16:08] I was thinking that what people need, what the world needs, is more good vibrations and also more relaxed people, you know, and there are a lot of people, if you go on YouTube or whatever, right, and they're like really animated and they're like, you know, they slight push, push, push, really intense people. And that, that has a certain attraction by a lot of people, which is fine, right? Everyone's playing their part. Everyone has different ways of living and personalities.
[00:16:42] And there's also a need for people who are peaceful and calm to balance it all out.
[00:16:53] Don't you think there's enough stressed out, like intense people around as it is? In fact, there's A huge number of those sort of people around and they're getting on with whatever they're doing and there's a need for, for that to some degree. Right?
[00:17:09] What about the other side of it where the world needs to relax and feel peaceful and feel calm and content and just feel everything's great, everything's fine, it's all good.
[00:17:28] So the more relaxed we are, the more we can emanate that energy to everyone around us.
[00:17:41] And I feel that because we live in a very extroverted kind of push, push, push type of world, it isn't encouraged just to relax and be at peace.
[00:17:55] It's discouraged in many cases, but it's essential. Cuz if we're just living in a state of chronic stress, how is that going to improve the world?
[00:18:09] Because it's causing the problem.
[00:18:14] So give yourself permission if you want. You are welcome to give yourself permission.
[00:18:20] You're invited to give yourself permission to take some time off to get nice and comfortable and do something that's relaxing.
[00:18:36] And I hope you feel much, much better. Get plenty of sleep, plenty of pampering if you can, get a massage, a nice bath, right? Get all snuggled up, read a nice book, whatever it is, right?
[00:18:57] Lots and lots of different things. Everyone's unique, Figure it out, whatever it is that works for you and really enjoy just letting go and being at peace with life.
[00:19:15] So thanks so much for being here. Appreciate you. I hope you're feeling better.
[00:19:21] Wishing you lots and lots of calmness, relaxation and peace.
[00:19:29] And may that wonderful peaceful energy spill over and emanate all over throughout your life into your home and make everyone else around you feel much more calm. All is well in the world.
[00:19:47] All is well.
[00:19:50] You are at peace with yourself and at peace with the world.
[00:20:02] Much love, Many blessings.
[00:20:25] Sa.