The Paradox of Play and Detachment: The Secret to Manifesting with Ease

February 12, 2025 00:20:41
The Paradox of Play and Detachment: The Secret to Manifesting with Ease
Your Wish Fulfilled. Become Your Future Self Now.
The Paradox of Play and Detachment: The Secret to Manifesting with Ease

Feb 12 2025 | 00:20:41


Show Notes

At first glance, play and detachment seem like completely different ideas—one is lighthearted and engaged, while the other is about letting go. But what if they are actually two sides of the same coin? In this episode, we explore how embracing playfulness naturally helps us detach from outcomes, making manifestation easier, faster, and more joyful.

When we play, we are fully present, immersed in the moment, without the weight of expectation. And paradoxically, this light, carefree energy allows us to detach from needing things to go a certain way—which is the very state that accelerates manifestation.

In this episode, we’ll cover:

If you've ever felt torn between taking action and letting go, this episode will help you see how play can be the bridge between effort and ease. The more we embrace joy and curiosity, the easier it becomes to detach and allow miracles to unfold.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Welcome to your wish fulfilled, your magical podcast. [00:00:07] To feel wonderful, to feel wonderful feelings inside yourself and from that good feeling, to create a beautiful life around you. This is an inside out approach to life. [00:00:27] Now I got a question from one of our lovely listeners, Francesca. She asked the question I did a session last time about play, the importance of play. If you want to create a good life and want to manifest and create things, it's important to have an element of play. And you can listen to that episode. In essence, the short version is that we're all drawn to different ways of just enjoying being alive, right? Intrinsic enjoyment, certain things that we like to do for their own sake. [00:01:08] And if we are always focused on the outcome, if we're only doing things because we want to get something out of it, then we are not in a state of play, we're not in a state of freedom. We're in a state of craving and desiring. You know, many, many people only do a lot of things in their life because they have to, because they want a certain outcome. They go to work, they hate their job, but they suck it up because it gives them money, you know, and there's a certain need for that in certain situations. Situations, right. But ideally, we don't want to live our life just hating the now and hoping something will be better later. Right? Especially when it comes to manifestation. We want to feel good now, in this moment and do things from a good place that creates an even better life in the future. [00:02:15] Isn't that wonderful to feel good now, to be in a state of enjoyment within yourself, good vibrations, and then to do things that you enjoy and create a beautiful life as well, right. This is the ideal situation. And I, I personally try and live in this awareness as much as I possibly can because it's just much more enjoyable and also creates better results, if you think about it. Even like people on TV or the Internet or musicians, dancers, whatever, right? If, if they enjoy themselves and they love their life, they're much more interesting people, don't you think? Compared to people who hate, they are really unhappy, this disturbed. They don't like their life, they don't like anything, they complain, right? So we're naturally, as human beings, attracted to feeling good and also being around other people who are demonstrating good vibrations. [00:03:23] So Francesca's question in essence was how do you connect the aspect of play with detachment, detaching from the outcome, Being detached. Being detached is a very classic spiritual principle where we are not holding on, letting go. We're choosing to release our attachment, our need, our Cravings, our dependencies, and we are at peace with life as it is. So on one hand there's this detachment. [00:04:03] It's all good just the way it is. I don't need it to be a certain way, which is a very high level practice. [00:04:13] And then the other side is playing, having fun, enjoying ourselves. And she was saying, isn't play just self satisfaction? You know, the ego part of us that just likes to do things, which of course, you know, we do like to play. In the other audio, I said there's these different, different types of play, eight different types, exploring, creating, collecting things, going on adventures, dancing and singing and performing, tricking people. So there's all these different levels of types of play that we can do, including sports and physical activities. [00:04:56] So isn't play playing just the ego part, self satisfaction versus detachment, which is a higher level experience? [00:05:07] It's a very interesting question. Thank you, Francesca. [00:05:12] When we look deep into this, the secret is intrinsic motivation. [00:05:27] Because if we are truly playing and enjoying the moment, if you're doing something that you genuinely love and you're in a flow state and you're not thinking about the outcome, you're enjoying it for its own sake. Like you're writing a book or you're dancing or you're playing or you're doing something that is in a high vibration. There's different kinds of play. Just imagine you're doing a high vibration play like playing the piano and making beautiful music in and of itself. [00:06:12] That often actually is in some strange way a state of detachment because we're not thinking about the outcome. We're not thinking, I'm doing this so that I get this other thing we're saying. I'm doing this because I enjoy doing it to the best of my ability. [00:06:38] In fact, if you really think about this deeply, I'll read you this quote from the Bhagavad Gita, which is of course a very deeply spiritual text talking about detachment. And you tune into whether or not you think this is sounds similar to playing. [00:06:57] You have a right to work, but never to the fruit of work. [00:07:08] You should never engage in action for the sake of reward, nor should you long for inaction. [00:07:22] Perform work in this world as one established within yourself, without selfish attachments and alike in success and defeat. [00:07:46] So you have a right to work. So we have a right to do things, but not the fruit, right? We have a right to do something like, I can do this podcast, I can make some food, I can set up a business, go for a walk, right? But I don't have a right to the fruit, to the outcome of that, because I can't force the outcome. [00:08:11] Just like if you're playing a sport, right, you have a right to do the best you can, but you don't have a right to win necessarily, right, because that's, there's other factors involved. So you have a right to work, but never to the fruit of work. You should never engage in action for the sake of reward, nor should you long for inaction. [00:08:46] So in other words, being too detached and not doing anything is also a problem. [00:08:53] And here's, here's the method. Perform work in this world or perform play in this world as one established within yourself as a spiritual being. You're the consciousness watching it without selfish attachments, so not attached to anything and alike in success and defeat. So whether you win or you lose, whether you get money or you don't get money, whether you get praise or you get defamed, you don't. Doesn't make any difference because you are established within yourself from a place of higher consciousness without selfish attachments. [00:09:46] So this aspect of play is actually very similar to this, if you think about it, that when you're in a state of play, you're not engaged for the sake of reward, you're not longing for inaction, you're in a higher state, you're not attached to the outcome. [00:10:19] And whether it goes well or it doesn't, it doesn't make any difference to you because you enjoy it for its own sake. [00:10:28] Or in other words, you enjoy yourself because it's a state of consciousness. [00:10:34] Now, of course there's different levels of playing and doing fun things and some of them are toxic. So we have to talk about that. There's some people, you know, there's all sorts of bad things we can do that we can consider play. So this doesn't apply to every, every form of play we can think of, right? What we're really talking about is can we live our life from a state where we are enjoying the now, Coming from a joyful higher state of being, intending perhaps to be of service and to help others, but not attached to it. [00:11:22] This is by the way, a very high level thing to do because a lot of things we do, we do it for the outcome. [00:11:32] Like if I'm eating food, typically the reason I'm eating because I'm hungry, right? I need to eat. [00:11:40] Or if I'm working, I might be doing it in order to get money or do something that leads to money. [00:11:49] So it's a high level thing. It's a high level practice to emphasize the feeling, state of detachment and enjoyment. [00:12:08] A playfulness. A game. It's often been said in spiritual teachings, life is a game within a game. [00:12:19] So this is a game, so the whole thing is a game. And then within the game there are these smaller games like, like recording. This is like a game inside a game. [00:12:30] I mean, we could be about 10 levels deep with this. [00:12:34] So on the highest level, we are spiritual beings who've come into this world. So that's a game, right? Here we are. This is all play. Why are we doing here? Why are we here? Why are we here at all? [00:12:52] What are you doing in this world? Why are you here? Why are we all here? [00:13:00] What is the meaning of life? [00:13:13] You could say the meaning of life is to enjoy being alive. And playing. [00:13:22] And playing includes everything, right? If you imagine, if you imagine you're in a extremely high state of happiness and joy all the time and you didn't need to do this to get this. So you get this thing, so then you feel better, right? Because most of what we do, I'm doing this thing because I don't feel good. And hopefully when I finish that and I get this other thing and then I buy this thing and then I do this thing, then I'll feel good and then everything will be okay. That's the usual process that nearly everyone lives by. Just imagine you already felt really good to begin with, so you didn't need to do all this extra stuff to feel good. [00:13:59] If you felt that you'd already attained everything and you were genuinely content and happy and relaxed, blissful, loving, peaceful, what would you do and how would you live your life? [00:14:28] I imagine, and my own experience as well, is that this, the higher our state of consciousness, the more everything feels like it's fun and games. [00:14:40] In fact, this expression that I've picked up, fun and games, comes from the very high level spiritual teachings that to see everything as fun and games, even like being in the dentist, like I remember getting a really root canal right? [00:14:59] Now, typically getting a root canal wouldn't be considered fun and games, right? You're lying there, you know, all this stuff going on, getting mercury fillings out wouldn't normally be considered fun and games, right? But I genuinely tried to be detached and to see it as a game and it wasn't that bad. I mean, I've been to the dentist and had teeth pulled and all sorts of stuff. And you know, as we all have, and there it is actually possible on some level to even experience that as fun and Games. [00:15:38] So when we feel internally wonderful and we don't need the outcome, then we can be detached. [00:15:52] When we don't need something, we are detached. [00:15:56] When we need it, we are attached. [00:16:03] So feeling you don't need anything and you're full, you're feeling great leads to a feeling of freedom and detachment. And that feeling of freedom and detachment leads to everything being more like fun and games, more like play. [00:16:33] I'll give a practical example of this. Yesterday I was working on a project management system for my business and my work, right? Because I have lots of things going on and they're all over the place. I've got all these pieces of paper and everything's a bit of a mess, right? Because I like to be offline. But because I work with people all over the place, it's just got to the point where it's, it has to be organized, it's causing me issues. So I got a project manager to help me and I'm trying to come up with a system right now. [00:17:10] The reason I haven't done that in the. I've tried it in the past and failed many, many, many times. Actually. It's not. I haven't tried. The reason I failed in setting up a technical system is because I didn't see it as fun and games. [00:17:25] I've been attached to the outcome, wanting it to be a certain way, and didn't enjoy the process. Like there wasn't any play involved in it. So it didn't feel fun to do. [00:17:40] And the only reason I was doing it was for the outcome. And as a result of my negative energy towards project management and technology, it always failed, which then reinforced the negative feeling, right? So yesterday and this last couple of days, been reading books, relaxing, going in the sauna, going on walks, thinking about it. It's. It's been a fun project. It's been fun. I'm like, oh, this is cool. What about this? What about this? Using AI tools to give me ideas. [00:18:15] And so I created something that I genuinely am quite excited about now. And it feels good to me because it came from a good feeling in the first place. [00:18:31] So that energy of play and that inner feeling of happiness separate from anything else, like, I feel good anyway and I'm coming from a good feeling and doing this technical stuff. [00:18:42] I'm enjoying the process, I'm enjoying the discovery, I'm enjoying the, the game, basically the game of figuring out how to do this stuff. [00:18:54] And I feel good about it and it's probably going to work out, you know, I mean, it might need changing, it might not need changing, I don't know. [00:19:05] But I'm aiming to enjoy enjoy the process because when I was only doing it for the outcome it fell apart again and again and again. [00:19:20] So this is a very deep thing. I'm going to read this quote again. You have a right to work. Let's just say you have a right to play but never to the fruit of your play. [00:19:30] You should never engage in play for the sake of reward nor should you long for lack of play. [00:19:38] Perform play in this world as one established within yourself without selfish attachment and alike in success and defeat. [00:20:00] So hopefully that's been useful. Enjoy Enjoy. Thank you for your wonderful presence. [00:20:07] If anyone else has any questions you can leave them in the reviews or the comments sending you lots of love. Enjoy your play. Enjoy being detached. Enjoy being alive. [00:20:19] Many blessings and may all your pure desires become manifest with ease and joy.

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