How to Overcome Negative Emotions and Stay In High Vibrations

November 06, 2023 00:23:59
How to Overcome Negative Emotions and Stay In High Vibrations
Your Wish Fulfilled. Become Your Future Self Now.
How to Overcome Negative Emotions and Stay In High Vibrations

Nov 06 2023 | 00:23:59


Show Notes

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In this transformative episode, we delve into the art of overcoming negative feelings to maintain a state of high vibration. Negative emotions, while a natural part of the human experience, can often lower our energetic frequency, hindering our ability to manifest our desires and live a fulfilled life.

Discover techniques and insights that empower you to recognize and release negative patterns. We'll guide you through practices that help you identify the root of unsettling emotions, understand their messages, and gently shift towards a more positive and expansive state of being.

Learn how to:

By integrating these practices, you'll find yourself less affected by external circumstances and more rooted in an inner wellspring of joy. As you learn to navigate and transform your emotional landscape, you'll not only uplift your own spirit but also become a beacon of light for others.

Transforming negative feelings isn't about suppression or denial; it's about creating an alchemy of the soul where every emotion becomes a guide towards higher wisdom.

For those seeking to deepen their spiritual practice and bring their unique light to the world, offers pathways to meaningful and impactful careers. And to support your journey in maintaining high vibrations, visit Insight Timer for free meditations from Michael Mackintosh.How to Overcome Negative Feelings and Sustain High Vibrations

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] You. [00:00:01] Welcome to your Wish Fulfilled podcast, where we go into the beautiful practice of manifestation and most importantly, feeling that you have already attained everything you want today, right now. [00:00:25] Because what is the point in putting off our happiness? [00:00:29] Happiness is the greatest, nourishment? Right? Why should we not just enjoy ourselves and feel good now? [00:00:38] Because the good feelings lead us to good experiences and wonderful blessings. And frankly, without happiness and good feelings, what's the point getting anything? [00:00:55] So let's start with holding the vision, as we usually do in this session in these podcasts. [00:01:01] Think of something that you'd love to manifest in your life. [00:01:09] Something that's meaningful to you. Imagine that there is a doorway. [00:01:17] And as you walk through that doorway, you enter into the experience the reality that you have now attained everything you want. [00:01:33] And as you walk through, just notice how wonderful it feels. How wonderful it feels to attain that which you desire. [00:01:58] Mmhmm. [00:02:00] Just experiencing that, increasing that good feeling. As if you have a dial. Turn it up. The good feelings. [00:02:13] A beautiful big smiley. [00:02:26] Giving thanks. [00:02:28] Giving thanks. [00:02:32] Yay. Isn't that wonderful? [00:02:37] Keep that with you as you listen to this. [00:02:41] The good feeling. [00:02:45] So today we're diving into how to deal with challenges guaranteed. As you go through this process, something or other will come up to derail you from your joy. [00:03:03] And that can happen in countless ways. It can happen in our physical body. We can get sick, it can happen in money situations, it can happen in relationships. Relationships is classic, right? Really, it can even happen with going to the store and wanting some special stuff and they haven't got any right or whatever it is. Little things like that. There's so many millions of ways, big and small, that can derail us. And of course, there are very serious situations in the world happening all the time in various places that are much more severe than anything I've mentioned. [00:03:42] So whatever it is, whether it's big or small, we are going to be presented with opportunities to not be happy, to not be in our highest space, to be in a lower negative space. [00:04:00] So when that happens, what to do about it? [00:04:05] First thing is to acknowledge the fact that you are feeling bad. There's no point in lying to ourselves about this because you are with yourself always. [00:04:23] You are your own best friend or worst enemy, as the case may be. We're with ourselves. We can either ignore that fact or we can embrace it. Might as well embrace it. We're with ourselves forever. Might as well get to like ourselves. [00:04:42] And if we're feeling down, if we're feeling disturbed, if we're feeling upset or sick or having some challenges, no point lying to ourselves. There's no point saying, I'm just going to watch loads and loads of movies back to back and pretend none of this is happening. [00:04:57] Just going to drink loads of alcohol or take pills or whatever. There's no point in ignoring what is. So first thing is just say, okay, what am I dealing with? [00:05:08] That's a wonderful blessing right there. [00:05:11] Once we can acknowledge it, then we actually will feel a lot better right away. Because running away from ourselves is actually very disturbing emotionally, because we're not being with our we're not loving ourselves and not being honest with ourselves. It's very harmful for us. [00:05:36] I'll just share a quick story. [00:05:39] Even today, I'm being honest with you. Even today, I have various things in my life that sometimes cause me some stress. I'm being honest. [00:05:48] And so I came back from a walk. I had a wonderful walk. I was out in nature, did some wonderful meditation, and I hadn't eaten enough. I was pretty much eating fruit the whole day, so I hadn't eaten enough. And I had to notice I had a bit of low blood sugar right on my way back from this hike. [00:06:08] So I was like, oh, I feel a bit shaky. Haven't eaten enough. So I drove home and I put some food on, and I sat down on the chair, and I started feeling restless because I unplugged the internet, right? It's no internet, right? I can't get any cell phone. No Internet. Nothing works. I put it in a box, locked the box. [00:06:30] So I was looking around, thinking I went for a magazine that was sitting around. I grabbed this magazine, and then I was looking at it, reading some stupid article about something, and I was like, Michael, what are you doing? I don't care about just let's be honest. You're avoiding something. What's going on? Are you all right? So I had a little chat with myself, and then I just stopped. I said, Let me just sit here and feel my feelings. Obviously something's bothering me, so let me just feel the feelings. [00:07:10] And I notice certain sensations. [00:07:18] And then they just disappeared. And I was like, oh, I feel great. [00:07:26] So instead of wasting my time, I could have easily sat there and read a bunch of nonsense just to distract myself. [00:07:34] No, let me just feel it. And then I was I thought, this is wonderful. Everything's fine. Actually, I was just feeling a little something, and it's okay. [00:07:46] So as soon as you say, you know what, I'm having a bit of a rough time right now. I'm a bit stressed. [00:07:52] This situation is really bothering me. When we say that to ourselves, it's a sign of love, and then we start to like ourselves more, and we can actually do something about it, and it's okay. Life is a bit of a mess. It really is. [00:08:10] This is a crazy world. There's lots of crazy people around, right? This is not an easy thing, being alive, right? [00:08:18] There are lots of blessings. There's lots of opportunity to feel good, and there's lots of wonderful things happening, but there's also plenty of opportunity to have challenges, and that's all right. It is what it is. You might as well just acknowledge it, admit it, come to terms with it, and then the next step is to lean into it. Lean into the feeling. [00:08:48] Why would we want to do that? Doesn't that sound a bit insane? Leaning into negative feelings? Isn't that the opposite of what we're talking about all the time on this podcast? [00:08:58] Surely leaning into things is not a good idea. No, actually, it is a good idea, because if we're not leaning into it, then we are resisting it. And what happens when we resist what we resist? [00:09:13] What we resists persists. [00:09:18] It's a true statement. If you resist it, it gets bigger. [00:09:26] It gets bigger and bigger and bigger. [00:09:32] So it's better just to lean into it, to say, you know what? I am actually feeling distressed. Let me feel it even more. [00:09:53] If we don't lean into it and we don't go into it deeper, what happens instead is that we go into repression and suppression. Repression and suppression. Repression is where you get stuffed down before we even realize what happens. [00:10:12] Repression is the worst thing because it's happening unconsciously. And suppression is where we are somewhat aware of it, and we're trying to stuff it away. And stuffing things away doesn't mean they've gone anywhere. It just means we're not willing to deal with it. So it's much more effective. Instead of suppressing it and repressing it, lean into it. So if you have some situation that's stressing you out, let's just take a moment. Now, this is like the opposite of what we normally do. We normally say, let's focus on something that we want to manifest, and now I'm telling you to think about something you don't want and to lean into it. So it's the same method, but for something else, and just notice how it feels. If you don't run away from it and you just allow it, you just feel it. [00:11:24] What normally happens is that we start to feel relaxed after a little bit. [00:11:34] I discovered this method out of necessity when I was in India about 20 years ago. Actually, 1820 years ago, I was in India, and I was there for five months in Bombay, Mumbai, mostly traveling around, and I had a flat there, and I went for the mango season. So there's so many different types of mango. If you like mangoes, right, you don't know what mangoes are unless you go to India. India is the home of mangoes. That's where they come from, the birthplace of mangoes. And they have hundreds and thousands of varieties that you never get in America or England unless they import them. And they hardly have any varieties, so you don't know what it's like till you actually live there in mango season. [00:12:23] So I would go down to these stalls, and I literally lived on mangoes, and I'd say, okay, bag of those, bag of those, bag of those. And every two weeks, there was 15 different varieties every two weeks. So completely different, right? You go to Whole Foods and you got two types if you're lucky, right, you go to India, 15 types every two weeks, completely different. [00:12:45] So anyway, I had loads and loads and loads and loads of mangoes. And towards the end, I think, I'm not sure it was the mangoes poisoning me, but something happened and I had this really, really bad illness that just all of a sudden came on. [00:12:58] I was supposed to leave in two days, and I couldn't get out bed, literally couldn't get up, couldn't call anyone. I was just lying in bed in this awful pain. I had this serious headache. [00:13:08] I've never experienced anything as bad as that. So I was resisting it because it was so awful, and I was resisting it, resisting it and trying to get rid of it and trying to get out of bed. And I couldn't do anything. And finally I said, you know what? Just let go. [00:13:24] Just let go. I mean, I might even die here, but there's nothing I can do, so just let go. [00:13:35] And when I really, sincerely, from the depths of my heart and soul, really and honestly, just totally let go and leaned into the pain, I said, instead of trying to run from it, let me go inside of it. Let me go into it. [00:13:55] It felt like the eye of the storm. [00:14:00] Hurricanes, if anyone lives in Florida or tornadoes in the middle, it's peaceful in the middle of the hurricane. So you can go inside of it and you find that out inside of this spinning emotional or painful feeling, there is this exquisite piece, this wonderful, wonderful, wonderful piece. [00:14:29] And I remember coming into that, thinking, oh, wow, this is just incredible. [00:14:37] And then I started to recover, and I could get out bed and had some water and phoned someone up, and I ended up leaving, got on a plane a couple days later and I was back in England and I was fine. Again, long story short, but that experience, right, this was going on for about two days, but this is really, really sick for about two days. And that was the gift, is I learned I can lean into the pain and it goes away. And I've subsequently learned that I can use the same thing with emotional pain, not just physical pain. I have a meditation, by the way, on Insight timer, pain relief meditation, where I talk about how to go into the pain, physical pain, if you have physical pain. [00:15:31] But we can do this with any kind of pain. [00:15:34] And instead of it getting worse, it usually actually dissolves the emotion. [00:15:44] Now, I'm not telling you this because it's easy. It's not easy, because our instant reaction to anything unpleasant is run for the hills because we don't like pain. So as soon as we feel bad, run, run right we're not going to run away physically most of the time. [00:16:07] We're going to run to our phone, or we're going to run to some distraction of some kind, right? TV or Internet or a book or something. [00:16:18] We get restless. I don't like it. Run, run. But if you just sit with it and say, all right, I admit this is happening, let me lean into it, it will actually dissolve. You're letting it go. Letting it go, yes. Right. So this is a very important secret to success in life, because if we can't deal with our negative feelings, then we are in a really dangerous place, because there are going to be negative feelings in life. There are going to be situations that are disturbing for us. There are. [00:17:12] So you lean into it and you realize, what was I so worried about? It's actually. All right. [00:17:22] From a spiritual perspective, when you realize that you are eternal consciousness, this is a very deep thing. [00:17:33] What is the worst thing that can happen? Most people when you really think about it, most people would say, I'll die, right? We can be so afraid of things, oh, I don't want this to happen. I don't want that to happen. Why not? Because of this, and why not? Because of this and why blah, blah, blah. Because I might die. That's what it comes down to at the end. [00:17:53] So if you realize, even if you do physically die, you're still alive because you're a spiritual being, right? So someone can kill your body, but they can't kill you. [00:18:09] That's such a deep thing, right. I'm not going to get into this in any detail right now that you can lean into it and you can be safe leaning into it. Because when it comes down to it, you can't die. And the worst that you're going to deal with is some feelings, and then when you lean into them, you realize they're not as bad as you thought. Anyway. [00:18:33] One of my good friends is an expert who I do another podcast with, shereen sister, Shereen. She's a yogi. And she's always saying things about how it's harder to avoid the situation than it is just to deal with it, right. We think, oh, it's so hard. I don't want to deal with this thing, and let me just watch a movie. Let me just distract myself. But it's actually harder when you add up all the time involved in distracting ourselves compared to just dealing with a thing. [00:19:13] Isn't that interesting? It's harder when you really think about it. Like if, let's say, you're in an unhealthy relationship, it's harder to keep putting up with that toxic relationship for years and years and years than it is to either end it or improve it. [00:19:36] But yet we normally take the easy way out in the moment, but it ends up being a huge amount of work down the road. [00:19:45] So that's why leaning into it for a few minutes. [00:19:50] Even though it seems scary, it's much easier, really, than avoiding it, and then avoiding it again, and then continuously avoiding it, and then creating a habit around avoidance, and then avoiding it even more, and then just spending the rest of our life avoiding it, right? That's really a lot of work, isn't it? [00:20:12] So first thing is accept that you're having some challenges. Second thing, lean into it. Learn to do this. This is a high level skill. [00:20:27] There's a couple of great books. The Sedona Method is a great book. I live in Sedona, so it's a classic method. [00:20:36] And Letting Go by David Hawkins, who also lived in Sedona. Sedona seems to be a letting go sort of place, but we've got to learn this. I mean, what I've just shared with you is the essence of the method, and there's, of course, a lot more details than that. But if that's all you did, you'd be making a lot of progress. [00:20:56] So next time you have a difficult situation, just remember this. You might as well admit it to yourself. Because you are with yourself always, and it's loving to talk to yourself. [00:21:12] You'll manifest better things in your life if you are with yourself, right? Honest with yourself. [00:21:21] If you have a friend, right, and your friend's going through a tough time, and you love your friend and you care about them, you're going to say, how's it going? Is everything all right? Are you okay? How are you feeling? [00:21:31] Do the same thing for yourself, and then lean into it. [00:21:52] It's not that scary, really. [00:22:02] So don't worry. Don't worry about it. You'll be all right. [00:22:08] It's not as bad as it seems. [00:22:12] And the more we have the courage to practice this, the easier it gets, the better you feel. And then you come into that wonderful feeling state where you can manifest much more easily. [00:22:31] Then you can go back into your usual manifestation practices, and visualize what you want and feel it. Do your various practices, but it's hard to get to those practices unless you do these first two steps. [00:22:45] Normally, people have a rough time, and they say, Let me try and come back to the practice. I can't do it, so I'm going to distract myself. So this is just useful for you to know. Next time you have a challenge, be honest about it, lean into it, love yourself. [00:23:03] Notice as the feeling dissolves, and then after that, you can go back into your usual practices and you'll be fine. [00:23:14] So, sending you lots of love. Congratulations for being here, and for all your wonderful things becoming manifest. I'm congratulating you in advance. [00:23:24] Keep it up. Keep it up. And remember, the most important thing is those good feelings. Knowing that you're a divine being. You've already attained everything. [00:23:36] And keep smiling. [00:23:39] And thank you so much for your wonderful presence. [00:23:45] Talk to you soon, and lots of love.

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