How To Relax Your Nervous System for Manifestation

September 14, 2023 00:14:29
How To Relax Your Nervous System for Manifestation
Your Wish Fulfilled. Become Your Future Self Now.
How To Relax Your Nervous System for Manifestation

Sep 14 2023 | 00:14:29


Show Notes

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Often, our bodies operate in a continuous mode of stress and alertness, due to modern life's incessant demands. This heightened state not only exhausts us but can also inhibit our innate power to manifest our desires.

In this episode we go deeper into relaxation.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Welcome to your wish fulfilled. This is your special place to come into the good feelings that you've already attained everything and to manifest from that space. [00:00:15] Today, we're diving into balancing your nervous system because as you, I'm sure, are aware, in order to manifest what you want to do, these practices, the, the first step is balancing and relaxing. If you've read any of these manifestation books, it's always step one, get into a nice relaxed space and then you can assume the feeling of that which you desire. [00:00:51] Unfortunately, many people have nervous system disorders. This is very common in our world today due to trauma, due to various stressful situations, triggers technology. [00:01:04] So that first step of getting relaxed can be really difficult. So today we're going to be going into this a little bit so you can learn how to relax even deeper. [00:01:16] And as you do this, you will be in a position where you can hold your wonderful visions much more easily. [00:01:25] Now, I consider myself to be someone who is already very relaxed, but I've noticed that there's even deeper and deeper levels of it. When I feel even more relaxed, I think, oh, wow, this is so much better. [00:01:37] So no matter how good you are at getting relaxed and peaceful, there's always another layer of deep peace. [00:01:48] So, to begin, let's take a few beautiful breaths, and we're going to use the breath as a means to let our whole body and nervous system relax. [00:02:05] So just breathing in nice, gentle, deep, slow breaths and letting it all go. [00:02:25] And as you breathe out, let's just really focus on slow, gentle exhales. This is a secret to relAxation. [00:02:37] So when you breathe in, breathe in slowly. You can count to the count of five, and then hold it for seven and then let go for nine. [00:03:01] It's that deep, slow out breath that gradually allows your whole body to relax. [00:03:12] So, breathing into the count of five, hold it for seven and let it go for nine. [00:03:25] Really slow, gentle exHale. [00:04:02] And let's just keep doing this together for a few more moments. [00:04:33] And as you breathe out, just allow the breath to melt and relax your whole being, knowing that you're safe and secure. [00:04:46] Safe and secure and relaxed. [00:05:20] And now, as you breathe in, just imagine there's a beautiful light, wonderful peace floating down into your whole being. [00:05:30] And you just fill up with that wonderful light. [00:05:35] And as you breathe out, just send that feeling of peace and calmness throughout your whole nervous system down your back, throughout your whole body, just letting go and relaxing deeper and deeper into that wonderful feeling of calmness and peace. [00:06:32] And as you breathe, just noticing where you feel most relaxed and allow that feeling to expand, amplify so that you become even more relaxed and noticing how good that feels just to melt and dissolve into that wonderful feeling of calmness and a gentle peace. [00:07:14] Each breath just gradually taking you deeper and deeper into a beautiful still space where all is well, everything is fine, it's all good, pristine peace and letting go. Letting go. [00:08:32] And from this beautiful relaxed space you can bring into your awareness, into your heart and mind, that which you are bringing forth, your manifestation. [00:08:49] Just see yourself in a higher state of being where you are content, satisfied, full sense of deep contentment and satisfaction. [00:09:07] How would it feel to attain everything? [00:09:31] And you can imagine having your pure desires fulfilled, all the wonderful things you wish to create. Imagine that they have become manifest in your life in a practical way. [00:09:59] Everything's working out perfectly smoothly, and you have arrived. You've arrived on the other side of your vision, where it is done, where you have now experienced and achieved all that you desire. [00:10:53] And as you breathe, just notice the difference in your breath. Now that you have attained everything, you walk into this wonderful vision like it's happening right now. [00:11:08] Noticing how you feel, what you see, what you hear, and noticing how you feel more relaxed in your whole being. [00:12:18] And just drawing upon the future success into every cell of your body, knowing that that is part of who you are right now. [00:13:01] And you can bring this good feeling with you as you move about your day. [00:13:07] And you can come back to this whenever you like, just using the breath to relax even more, very gently, very naturally, and then holding that beautiful vision and experience and drawing that into you. [00:13:35] Congratulations. [00:13:38] Well done in advance, because success is yours. [00:13:44] Thank you so much for your beautiful presence. [00:13:50] Wishing you every success. [00:13:54] And if you enjoy the podcast, feel free to leave a review. [00:14:02] And if you have any questions that you'd like me to answer, just go ahead and add it to your review. [00:14:08] I'd be very happy to share about that with you. [00:14:12] So much love. [00:14:15] Many, many many blessings.

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